Converts a \(\theta\) score into an unweighted true score
\(\tau ( \theta)=\sum_i \sum_h h P_i ( \theta ) \).
In addition, a weighted true score
\(\tau ( \theta)=\sum_i \sum_h q_{ih} P_i ( \theta ) \)
can also be computed by specifying item-category weights
\(q_{ih}\) in the matrix Q
IRT.truescore(object, iIndex=NULL, theta=NULL, Q=NULL)
Object for which the
S3 method is defined
Optional vector with item indices
Optional vector with \(\theta\) values
Optional weighting matrix
Data frame containing \(\theta\) values and corresponding true scores \(\tau( \theta ) \).
See also sirt::truescore.irt
for a conversion function for generalized partial credit models.
# EXAMPLE 1: True score conversion for a test with polytomous items
data(data.Students, package="CDM")
dat <- data.Students[, paste0("mj",1:4) ]
# fit partial credit model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat,control=list(maxiter=20) )
# true score conversion
tmod1 <- TAM::IRT.truescore( mod1 )
round( tmod1, 4 )
# true score conversion with user-defined theta grid
tmod1b <- TAM::IRT.truescore( mod1, theta=seq( -8,8, len=33 ) )
# plot results
plot( tmod1$theta, tmod1$truescore, type="l",
xlab=expression(theta), ylab=expression(tau( theta ) ) )
points( tmod1b$theta, tmod1b$truescore, pch=16, col="brown" )
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 2: True scores with different category weightings
dat <- data.timssAusTwn.scored
# extract item response data
dat <- dat[, grep("M03", colnames(dat) ) ]
# select items with do have maximum score of 2 (polytomous items)
ind <- which( apply( dat, 2, max, na.rm=TRUE )==2 )
I <- ncol(dat)
# define Q-matrix with scoring variant
Q <- matrix( 1, nrow=I, ncol=1 )
Q[ ind, 1 ] <- .5 # score of 0.5 for polyomous items
# estimate model
mod1 <- TAM::tam.mml( dat, Q=Q, irtmodel="PCM2", control=list( nodes=seq(-10,10,len=61) ) )
# true score with scoring (0,1,2) which is the default of the function
tmod1 <- TAM::IRT.truescore(mod1)
# true score with user specified weighting matrix
Q <- mod1$B[,,1]
tmod2 <- TAM::IRT.truescore(mod1, Q=Q)