Computes the item response function for the 3PL model in the TAM package.
tam_irf_3pl(theta, AXsi, B, guess=NULL, subtract_max=TRUE)
Matrix or vector of \boldθ values
Matrix of item-category parameters
Array containing item-category loadings
Optional parameter of guessing parameters
Logical indicating whether numerical underflow in probabilities should be explicitly avoided
Array containing item response probabilities arranged by the dimensions theta points × items × categories
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: 2PL example
data(data.read, package="sirt")
dat <- data.read
#* estimate 2PL model
mod <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=dat )
#* define theta vector
theta <- seq(-3,3, len=41)
#* compute item response probabilities
probs <- TAM::tam_irf_3pl( theta=theta, AXsi=mod$AXsi, B=mod$B )