Computes the item response function for the 3PL model in the TAM package.
tam_irf_3pl(theta, AXsi, B, guess=NULL, subtract_max=TRUE)
Matrix or vector of \(\bold{\theta}\) values
Matrix of item-category parameters
Array containing item-category loadings
Optional parameter of guessing parameters
Logical indicating whether numerical underflow in probabilities should be explicitly avoided
Array containing item response probabilities arranged by the dimensions theta points \(\times\) items \(\times\) categories
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: 2PL example
data(data.read, package="sirt")
dat <- data.read
#* estimate 2PL model
mod <- TAM::tam.mml.2pl( resp=dat )
#* define theta vector
theta <- seq(-3,3, len=41)
#* compute item response probabilities
probs <- TAM::tam_irf_3pl( theta=theta, AXsi=mod$AXsi, B=mod$B )