Calculates some groupwise descriptive statistics.
GroupMean(data, group, weights=NULL, extend=FALSE, elim=FALSE)
GroupSum(data, group, weights=NULL, extend=FALSE)
GroupSD(data, group, weights=NULL, extend=FALSE)
# group mean of a variable
gm(y, cluster, elim=FALSE)
# centering within clusters
cwc(y, cluster)
A numeric data frame
A vector of group identifiers
An optional vector of sample weights
Optional logical indicating whether the group means (or sums) should be extended to the original dimensions of the dataset.
Logical indicating whether a case in a row should be removed from the calculation of the mean in a cluster
Cluster identifier
A data frame or a vector with groupwise calculated statistics
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: Group means and standard deviations for data.ma02
data(data.ma02, package="miceadds" )
dat <- data.ma02[[1]] # select first dataset
#--- group means for read and math
GroupMean( dat[, c("read","math") ], group=dat$idschool )
# using rowsum
a1 <- base::rowsum( dat[, c("read","math") ], dat$idschool )
a2 <- base::rowsum( 1+0*dat[, c("read","math") ], dat$idschool )
# using aggregate
stats::aggregate( dat[, c("read","math") ], list(dat$idschool), mean )[1:10,]
#--- extend group means to original dataset
GroupMean( dat[, c("read","math") ], group=dat$idschool, extend=TRUE )
# using ave
stats::ave( dat[, "read" ], dat$idschool )
stats::ave( dat[, "read" ], dat$idschool, FUN=mean )
#--- group standard deviations
GroupSD( dat[, c("read","math") ], group=dat$idschool)[1:10,]
# using aggregate
stats::aggregate( dat[, c("read","math") ], list(dat$idschool), sd )[1:10,]
# EXAMPLE 2: Calculating group means and group mean centering
data(data.ma07, package="miceadds")
dat <- data.ma07
# compute group means
miceadds::gm( dat$x1, dat$id2 )
# centering within clusters
miceadds::cwc( dat$x1, dat$id2 )
# evaluate formula with model.matrix
X <- model.matrix( ~ I( miceadds::cwc(x1, id2) ) + I( miceadds::gm(x1,id2) ), data=dat )