R Utilities: Loading Rdata Files in a Convenient Way — load.Rdata" />

These functions loads a Rdata object saved as a data frame or a matrix in the current R environment. The function load.Rdata saves the loaded object in the global environment while load.Rdata2 loads the object only specified environments. Hence, usage of load.Rdata2 instead of load.Rdata is recommended.

load.Rdata(filename, objname)

load.Rdata2(filename, path=getwd(), RDS=FALSE)



Rdata file (matrix or data frame)


Object name. This object will be a global variable in R.


Directory from which the dataset should be loaded


logical if object is saved as an RDS object

See also

See also save.Rdata for saving data frames in a Rdata format.

See also: base::load, base::save


if (FALSE) {
# load a data frame in the file "data_s3.Rdata" and save this
# as the object "dat.s3"
load.Rdata( filename="data_s3.Rdata", "dat.s3" )

# Alternatively one can use the function
dat.s3 <- miceadds::load.Rdata2( filename="data_s3.Rdata")