Defines a synthesizing method for for synthpop using a formula interface.
syn.formula(y, x, xp, proper=FALSE, syn_formula, syn_fun, syn_args, ...)
Original data vector of length \(n\)
Matrix (\(n \times p\)) of original covariates
Matrix (\(k \times p\)) of synthesised covariates
Logical value specifying whether proper synthesis should be conducted.
A formula object
Synthesizing method in synthpop package
Function arguments of syn_fun
Further arguments to be passed
When using the synthesis method "mice"
, the function arguments have to appear
as rf.syn_formula
, rf.syn_fun
and rf.syn_args
(convention in synthpop).
A vector of length k
with synthetic values of y
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: SD2011 | using a formula for defining the regression model
#** selection of dataset
data(SD2011, package="synthpop")
vars <- c("sex","age","ls","smoke")
dat <- SD2011[1:1000, vars]
dat$ls <- as.numeric(dat$ls)
#** default synthesis
imp0 <- synthpop::syn(dat)
pred <- imp0$predictor.matrix
method <- imp0$method
#** use synthesizing method 'formula'
method["ls"] <- "formula"
syn_fun <- list( ls="normrank" )
syn_args <- list( ls=list( smoothing="density" ) )
syn_formula <- list( ls=~ sex + age + I(age^2) + I(age>50) )
#* synthesize data
imp <- synthpop::syn( dat, method=method, predictor.matrix=pred, k=2000, m=1,
rf.syn_fun=syn_fun, rf.syn_args=syn_args, rf.syn_formula=syn_formula)