Fit of a \(L_q\) Regression Model
Fits a regression model in the \(L_q\) norm (also labeled as the \(L_p\) norm).
In more detail,
the optimization function \( \sum_i | y_i - x_i \beta | ^p\) is optimized.
The nondifferentiable function is approximated by a differentiable approximation,
i.e., we use \(|x| \approx \sqrt{x^2 + \varepsilon } \). The power \(p\)
can also be estimated by using est_pow=TRUE
, see
Giacalone, Panarello and Mattera (2018). The algorithm iterates between estimating
regression coefficients and the estimation of power values. The estimation of the
power based on a vector of residuals e
can be conducted using the
function lq_fit_estimate_power
Using the \(L_q\) norm in the regression is equivalent to assuming an expontial
power function for residuals (Giacalone et al., 2018). The density function and
a simulation function is provided by dexppow
and rexppow
, respectively.
See also the normalp package.
lq_fit(y, X, w=NULL, pow=2, eps=0.001, beta_init=NULL, est_pow=FALSE, optimizer="optim",
eps_vec=10^seq(0,-10, by=-.5), conv=1e-4, miter=20, lower_pow=.1, upper_pow=5)
lq_fit_estimate_power(e, pow_init=2, lower_pow=.1, upper_pow=10)
dexppow(x, mu=0, sigmap=1, pow=2, log=FALSE)
rexppow(n, mu=0, sigmap=1, pow=2, xbound=100, xdiff=.01)
- y
Dependent variable
- X
Design matrix
- w
Optional vector of weights
- pow
Power \(p\) in \(L_q\) norm- The power \(p=0\) is handled using the loss function \(f(e)=e^2/(e^2+\varepsilon)\).
- est_pow
Logical indicating whether power should be estimated
- eps
Parameter governing the differentiable approximation
- e
Vector of resiuals
- pow_init
Initial value of power
- beta_init
Initial vector
- optimizer
Can be
.- eps_vec
Vector with decreasing \(\varepsilon\) values used in optimization
- conv
Convergence criterion
- miter
Maximum number of iterations
- lower_pow
Lower bound for estimated power
- upper_pow
Upper bound for estimated power
- x
- mu
Location parameter
- sigmap
Scale parameter
- log
Logical indicating whether the logarithm should be provided
- n
Sample size
- xbound
Lower and upper bound for density approximation
- xdiff
Grid width for density approximation
List with following several entries
- coefficients
Vector of coefficients
- res_optim
Results of optimization
- ...
More values
Giacalone, M., Panarello, D., & Mattera, R. (2018). Multicollinearity in regression: an efficiency comparison between $L_p$-norm and least squares estimators. Quality & Quantity, 52(4), 1831-1859. doi:10.1007/s11135-017-0571-y
# EXAMPLE 1: Small simulated example with fixed power
N <- 300
x1 <- stats::rnorm(N)
x2 <- stats::rnorm(N)
par1 <- c(1,.5,-.7)
y <- par1[1]+par1[2]*x1+par1[3]*x2 + stats::rnorm(N)
X <- cbind(1,x1,x2)
#- lm function in stats
mod1 <-, x=X)
#- use lq_fit function
mod2 <- sirt::lq_fit( y=y, X=X, pow=2, eps=1e-4)
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 2: Example with estimated power values
#*** simulate regression model with residuals from the exponential power distribution
#*** using a power of .30
N <- 2000
X <- cbind( 1, c(rep(1,N), rep(0,N)) )
e <- sirt::rexppow(n=2*N, pow=.3, xdiff=.01, xbound=200)
y <- X %*% c(1,.5) + e
#*** estimate model
mod <- sirt::lq_fit( y=y, X=X, est_pow=TRUE, lower_pow=.1)
mod1 <- stats::lm( y ~ 0 + X )