Local Structural Equation Models (LSEM)
Local structural equation models (LSEM) are structural equation models (SEM)
which are evaluated for each value of a pre-defined moderator variable
(Hildebrandt et al., 2009, 2016).
As in nonparametric regression models, observations near a focal point - at
which the model is evaluated - obtain higher weights, far distant observations
obtain lower weights. The LSEM can be specified by making use of lavaan syntax.
It is also possible to specify a discretized version of LSEM in which
values of the moderator are grouped and a multiple group SEM is specified.
The LSEM can be tested by employing a permutation test, see
The function lsem.MGM.stepfunctions
outputs stepwise functions
for a multiple group model evaluated at a grid of focal points of the
moderator, specified in moderator.grid
The argument pseudo_weights
provides an ad hoc solution to estimate
an LSEM for any model which can be fitted in lavaan.
It is also possible to constrain some of the parameters along the values
of the moderator in a joint estimation approach (est_joint=TRUE
). Parameter
names can be specified which are assumed to be invariant (in par_invariant
In addition, linear or quadratic constraints can be imposed on
parameters (par_linear
or par_quadratic
Statistical inference in case of joint estimation (but also for separate estimation)
can be conducted via bootstrap using the function lsem.bootstrap
Bootstrap at the level of a cluster identifier is allowed (argument cluster
lsem.estimate(data, moderator, moderator.grid, lavmodel, type="LSEM", h=1.1, bw=NULL,
residualize=TRUE, fit_measures=c("rmsea", "cfi", "tli", "gfi", "srmr"),
standardized=FALSE, standardized_type="std.all", lavaan_fct="sem",
sufficient_statistics=TRUE, pseudo_weights=0,
sampling_weights=NULL, loc_linear_smooth=TRUE, est_joint=FALSE, par_invariant=NULL,
par_linear=NULL, par_quadratic=NULL, partable_joint=NULL, pw_linear=1,
pw_quadratic=1, pd=TRUE, est_DIF=FALSE, se=NULL, kernel="gaussian",
eps=1e-08, verbose=TRUE, ...)
# S3 method for lsem
summary(object, file=NULL, digits=3, ...)
# S3 method for lsem
plot(x, parindex=NULL, ask=TRUE, ci=TRUE, lintrend=TRUE,
parsummary=TRUE, ylim=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, main=NULL,
digits=3, ...)
lsem.MGM.stepfunctions( object, moderator.grid )
# compute local weights
lsem_local_weights(data.mod, moderator.grid, h, sampling_weights=NULL, bw=NULL,
lsem.bootstrap(object, R=100, verbose=TRUE, cluster=NULL,
repl_design=NULL, repl_factor=NULL, use_starting_values=TRUE,
n.core=1, cl.type="PSOCK")
- data
Data frame or a list of imputed datasets
- moderator
Variable name of the moderator
- moderator.grid
Focal points at which the LSEM should be evaluated. If
, breaks are defined in this vector.- lavmodel
Specified SEM in lavaan.
- type
Type of estimated model. The default is
which means that a local structural equation model is estimated. A multiple group model with a discretized moderator as the grouping variable can be estimated withtype="MGM"
. In this case, the breaks must be defined inmoderator.grid
.- h
Bandwidth factor
- bw
Optional bandwidth parameter if
should not be used- residualize
Logical indicating whether a residualization should be applied.
- fit_measures
Vector with names of fit measures following the labels in lavaan
- standardized
Optional logical indicating whether standardized solution should be included as parameters in the output using the
function. Standardized parameters are labeled asstd__
.- standardized_type
Type of standardization if
. The types are described inlavaan::standardizedSolution
.- lavaan_fct
String whether
) orlavaan::growth
) should be used.- sufficient_statistics
Logical whether sufficient statistics of weighted means and covariances should be used for model fitting. This option can be set to
if the data contain missing values. Note that the optionsufficient_statistics=TRUE
is only valid for (approximate) missing completely at random (MCAR) data. The option can only be used for continuous data.- pseudo_weights
Integer defining a target sample size. Local weights are multiplied by a factor which is rounded to integers. This approach is referred as a pseudo weighting approach. For example, using
implies that the sum of local weights at each focal point is30000
.- sampling_weights
Optional vector of sampling weights
- loc_linear_smooth
Logical indicating whether local linear smoothing should be used for computing sufficient statistics for means and covariances. The default is
.- est_joint
Logical indicating whether LSEM should be estimated in a joint estimation approach. This options only works wih continuous data and sufficient statistics.
- par_invariant
Vector of invariant parameters
- par_linear
Vector of parameters with linear function
- par_quadratic
Vector of parameters with quadratic function
- partable_joint
User-defined parameter table if joint estimation is used (
).- pw_linear
Number of segments if piecewise linear estimation of parameters is used
- pw_quadratic
Number of segments if piecewise quadratic estimation of parameters is used
- pd
Logical indicating whether nearest positive definite covariance matrix should be computed if sufficient statistics are used
- est_DIF
Logical indicating whether parameters under differential item functioning (DIF) should be additionally computed for invariant item parameters
- se
Type of standard error used in
, the lavaan default is used.- kernel
Type of kernel function. Can be
.- eps
Minimum number for weights
- verbose
Optional logical printing information about computation progress.
- object
Object of class
- file
A file name in which the summary output will be written.
- digits
Number of digits.
- x
Object of class
.- parindex
Vector of indices for parameters in plot function.
- ask
A logical which asks for changing the graphic for each parameter.
- ci
Logical indicating whether confidence intervals should be plotted.
- lintrend
Logical indicating whether a linear trend should be plotted.
- parsummary
Logical indicating whether a parameter summary should be displayed.
- ylim
Plot parameter
. Can be a list, see Examples.- xlab
Plot parameter
. Can be a vector.- ylab
Plot parameter
. Can be a vector.- main
Plot parameter
. Can be a vector.- ...
Further arguments to be passed to
.- data.mod
Observed values of the moderator
- R
Number of bootstrap samples
- cluster
Optional variable name for bootstrap at the level of a cluster identifier
- repl_design
Optional matrix containing replication weights for computation of standard errors. Note that sampling weights have to be already included in
.- repl_factor
Replication factor in variance formula for statistical inference, e.g., 0.05 in PISA.
- use_starting_values
Logical indicating whether starting values should be used from the original sample
- n.core
A scalar indicating the number of cores that should be used.
- cl.type
The cluster type. Default value is
. Posix machines (Linux, Mac) generally benefit from much faster cluster computation if type is set totype="FORK"
List with following entries
- parameters
Data frame with all parameters estimated at focal points of moderator. Bias-corrected estimates under boostrap can be found in the column
.- weights
Data frame with weights at each focal point
- parameters_summary
Summary table for estimated parameters
- parametersM
Estimated parameters in matrix form. Parameters are in columns and values of the grid of the moderator are in rows.
- bw
Used bandwidth
- h
Used bandwidth factor
- N
Sample size
- moderator.density
Estimated frequencies and effective sample size for moderator at focal points
- moderator.stat
Descriptive statistics for moderator
- moderator
Variable name of moderator
- moderator.grid
Used grid of focal points for moderator
- moderator.grouped
Data frame with informations about grouping of moderator if
.- residualized.intercepts
Estimated intercept functions used for residualization.
- lavmodel
Used lavaan model
- data
Used data frame, possibly residualized if
- model_parameters
Model parameters in LSEM
- parameters_boot
Parameter values in each bootstrap sample (for
)- fitstats_joint_boot
Fit statistics in each bootstrap sample (for
)- dif_effects
Estimated item parameters under DIF
Hildebrandt, A., Luedtke, O., Robitzsch, A., Sommer, C., & Wilhelm, O. (2016). Exploring factor model parameters across continuous variables with local structural equation models. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51(2-3), 257-278. doi:10.1080/00273171.2016.1142856
Hildebrandt, A., Wilhelm, O., & Robitzsch, A. (2009). Complementary and competing factor analytic approaches for the investigation of measurement invariance. Review of Psychology, 16, 87-102.
See also
See lsem.permutationTest
for conducting a permutation test
and lsem.test
for applying a Wald test to a bootstrapped LSEM model.
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: data.lsem01 | Age differentiation
data(data.lsem01, package="sirt")
dat <- data.lsem01
# specify lavaan model
lavmodel <- "
F=~ v1+v2+v3+v4+v5
F ~~ 1*F"
# define grid of moderator variable age
moderator.grid <- seq(4,23,1)
#*** Model 1: estimate LSEM with bandwidth 2
mod1 <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, std.lv=TRUE)
plot(mod1, parindex=1:5)
# perform permutation test for Model 1
pmod1 <- sirt::lsem.permutationTest( mod1, B=10 )
# only for illustrative purposes the number of permutations B is set
# to a low number of 10
plot(pmod1, type="global")
#* perform permutation test with parallel computation
pmod1a <- sirt::lsem.permutationTest( mod1, B=10, n.core=3 )
#** estimate Model 1 based on pseudo weights
mod1b <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, std.lv=TRUE, pseudo_weights=50 )
#** estimation with sampling weights
# generate random sampling weights
weights <- stats::runif(nrow(dat), min=.4, max=3 )
mod1c <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, sampling_weights=weights)
#*** Model 2: estimate multiple group model with 4 age groups
# define breaks for age groups
moderator.grid <- seq( 3.5, 23.5, len=5) # 4 groups
# estimate model
mod2 <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, type="MGM", std.lv=TRUE)
# output step functions
smod2 <- sirt::lsem.MGM.stepfunctions( object=mod2, moderator.grid=seq(4,23,1) )
#*** Model 3: define standardized loadings as derived variables
# specify lavaan model
lavmodel <- "
F=~ a1*v1+a2*v2+a3*v3+a4*v4
v1 ~~ s1*v1
v2 ~~ s2*v2
v3 ~~ s3*v3
v4 ~~ s4*v4
F ~~ 1*F
# standardized loadings
l1 :=a1 / sqrt(a1^2 + s1 )
l2 :=a2 / sqrt(a2^2 + s2 )
l3 :=a3 / sqrt(a3^2 + s3 )
l4 :=a4 / sqrt(a4^2 + s4 )
# estimate model
mod3 <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, std.lv=TRUE)
#*** Model 4: estimate LSEM and automatically include standardized solutions
lavmodel <- "
F=~ 1*v1+v2+v3+v4
F ~~ F"
mod4 <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, standardized=TRUE)
# permutation test (use only few permutations for testing purposes)
pmod1 <- sirt::lsem.permutationTest( mod4, B=3 )
#**** compute LSEM local weights
wgt <- sirt::lsem_local_weights(data.mod=dat$age, moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
#*** Model 5: invariance parameter constraints and other constraints
lavmodel <- "
F=~ 1*v1+v2+v3+v4
F ~~ F"
moderator.grid <- seq(4,23,4)
#- estimate model without constraints
mod5a <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, standardized=TRUE)
# extract parameter names
#- invariance constraints on residual variances
par_invariant <- c("F=~v2","v2~~v2")
mod5b <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, standardized=TRUE, par_invariant=par_invariant)
#- bootstrap for statistical inference
bmod5b <- sirt::lsem.bootstrap(mod5b, R=100)
# inspect parameter values and standard errors
#- bootstrap using parallel computing (i.e., multiple cores)
bmod5ba <- sirt::lsem.bootstrap(mod5b, R=100, n.core=3)
#- user-defined replication design
R <- 100 # bootstrap samples
N <- nrow(dat)
repl_design <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=R)
for (rr in 1:R){
indices <- sort( sample(1:N, replace=TRUE) )
repl_design[,rr] <- sapply(1:N, FUN=function(ii){ sum(indices==ii) } )
bmod5b1 <- sirt::lsem.bootstrap(mod5a, repl_design=repl_design, repl_factor=1/R)
#- compare model mod5b with joint estimation without constraints
mod5c <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, standardized=TRUE, est_joint=TRUE)
#- linear and quadratic functions
par_invariant <- c("F=~v1","v2~~v2")
par_linear <- c("v1~~v1")
par_quadratic <- c("v4~~v4")
mod5d <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat1, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, par_invariant=par_invariant, par_linear=par_linear,
#- user-defined constraints: step functions for parameters
# inspect parameter table (from lavaan) of fitted model
pj <- mod5d$partable_joint
#* modify parameter table for user-defined constraints
# define step function for F=~v1 which is constant on intervals 1:4 and 5:7
pj2 <- pj[ pj$con==1, ]
pj2[ c(5,6), "lhs" ] <- "p1g5"
pj2 <- pj2[ -4, ]
partable_joint <- rbind(pj1, pj2)
# estimate model with constraints
mod5e <- lsem::lsem.estimate( dat1, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel, h=2, std.lv=TRUE, estimator="ML",
# EXAMPLE 2: data.lsem01 | FIML with missing data
dat <- data.lsem01
# induce artifical missing values
dat[ stats::runif(nrow(dat)) < .5, c("v1")] <- NA
dat[ stats::runif(nrow(dat)) < .25, c("v2")] <- NA
# specify lavaan model
lavmodel1 <- "
F=~ v1+v2+v3+v4+v5
F ~~ 1*F"
# define grid of moderator variable age
moderator.grid <- seq(4,23,2)
#*** estimate LSEM with FIML
mod1 <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel1, h=2, std.lv=TRUE, estimator="ML", missing="fiml")
# EXAMPLE 3: data.lsem01 | WLSMV estimation
dat <- data.lsem01
# create artificial dichotomous data
for (vv in 2:6){
dat[,vv] <- 1*(dat[,vv] > mean(dat[,vv]))
# specify lavaan model
lavmodel1 <- "
F=~ v1+v2+v3+v4+v5
F ~~ 1*F
v1 | t1
v2 | t1
v3 | t1
v4 | t1
v5 | t1
# define grid of moderator variable age
moderator.grid <- seq(4,23,2)
#*** local WLSMV estimation
mod1 <- sirt::lsem.estimate( dat, moderator="age", moderator.grid=moderator.grid,
lavmodel=lavmodel1, h=2, std.lv=TRUE, estimator="DWLS", ordered=paste0("v",1:5),
residualize=FALSE, pseudo_weights=10000, parameterization="THETA" )