Specify or modify a Parameter Table in mirt
Specify or modify a parameter table in mirt.
- mirt.partable
Parameter table in mirt package
- parlist
List of parameters which are used for specification in the parameter table. See Examples.
- verbose
An optional logical indicating whether the some warnings should be printed.
# EXAMPLE 1: Modifying a parameter table for single group
data <- mirt::expand.table(LSAT7)
mirt.partable <- mirt::mirt(data, 1, pars="values")
## > colnames(mirt.partable) [1] 'group' 'item' 'class' 'name' 'parnum' 'value'
## 'lbound' 'ubound' 'est' 'prior.type' 'prior_1' 'prior_2'
# specify some values of item parameters
value <- data.frame(d=c(0.7, -1, NA), a1=c(1, 1.2, 1.3), g=c(NA, 0.25, 0.25))
rownames(value) <- c("Item.1", "Item.4", "Item.3")
# fix some item paramters
est1 <- data.frame(d=c(TRUE, NA), a1=c(FALSE, TRUE))
rownames(est1) <- c("Item.4", "Item.3")
# estimate all guessing parameters
est2 <- data.frame(g=rep(TRUE, 5))
rownames(est2) <- colnames(data)
# prior distributions
prior.type <- data.frame(g=rep("norm", 4))
rownames(prior.type) <- c("Item.1", "Item.2", "Item.4", "Item.5")
prior_1 <- data.frame(g=rep(-1.38, 4))
rownames(prior_1) <- c("Item.1", "Item.2", "Item.4", "Item.5")
prior_2 <- data.frame(g=rep(0.5, 4))
rownames(prior_2) <- c("Item.1", "Item.2", "Item.4", "Item.5")
# misspecify some entries
rownames(prior_2)[c(3,2)] <- c("A", "B")
rownames(est1)[2] <- c("B")
# define complete list with parameter specification
parlist <- list(value=value, est=est1, est=est2, prior.type=prior.type,
prior_1=prior_1, prior_2=prior_2)
# modify parameter table
mirt.specify.partable(mirt.partable, parlist)