Rater Facets Models with Item/Rater Intercepts and Slopes
This function estimates the unidimensional rater facets model (Lincare, 1994) and an extension to slopes (see Details; Robitzsch & Steinfeld, 2018). The estimation is conducted by an EM algorithm employing marginal maximum likelihood.
rm.facets(dat, pid=NULL, rater=NULL, Qmatrix=NULL, theta.k=seq(-9, 9, len=30),
est.b.rater=TRUE, est.a.item=FALSE, est.a.rater=FALSE, rater_item_int=FALSE,
est.mean=FALSE, tau.item.fixed=NULL, a.item.fixed=NULL, b.rater.fixed=NULL,
a.rater.fixed=NULL, b.rater.center=2, a.rater.center=2, a.item.center=2, a_lower=.05,
a_upper=10, reference_rater=NULL, max.b.increment=1, numdiff.parm=0.00001,
maxdevchange=0.1, globconv=0.001, maxiter=1000, msteps=4, mstepconv=0.001,
PEM=FALSE, PEM_itermax=maxiter)
# S3 method for rm.facets
summary(object, file=NULL, ...)
# S3 method for rm.facets
# S3 method for rm.facets
# S3 method for rm.facets
# S3 method for rm.facets
IRT.factor.scores(object, type="EAP", ...)
# S3 method for rm.facets
# S3 method for rm.facets
# S3 method for rm.facets
# S3 method for IRT.modelfit.rm.facets
summary(object, ...)
## function for processing data
rm_proc_data( dat, pid, rater, rater_item_int=FALSE, reference_rater=NULL )
- dat
Original data frame. Ratings on variables must be in rows, i.e. every row corresponds to a person-rater combination.
- pid
Person identifier.
- rater
Rater identifier
- Qmatrix
An optional Q-matrix. If this matrix is not provided, then by default the ordinary scoring of categories (from 0 to the maximum score of \(K\)) is used.
- theta.k
A grid of theta values for the ability distribution.
- est.b.rater
Should the rater severities \(b_r\) be estimated?
- est.a.item
Should the item slopes \(a_i\) be estimated?
- est.a.rater
Should the rater slopes \(a_r\) be estimated?
- rater_item_int
Logical indicating whether rater-item-interactions should be modeled.
- est.mean
Optional logical indicating whether the mean of the trait distribution should be estimated.
- tau.item.fixed
Matrix with fixed \(\tau\) parameters. Non-fixed parameters must be declared by
values.- a.item.fixed
Vector with fixed item discriminations
- b.rater.fixed
Vector with fixed rater intercept parameters
- a.rater.fixed
Vector with fixed rater discrimination parameters
- b.rater.center
Centering method for rater intercept parameters. The value
corresponds to no centering, the values1
to different methods to ensure that they sum to zero.- a.rater.center
Centering method for rater discrimination parameters. The value
corresponds to no centering, the values1
to different methods to ensure that their product equals one.- a.item.center
Centering method for item discrimination parameters. The value
corresponds to no centering, the values1
to different methods to ensure that their product equals one.- a_lower
Lower bound for \(a\) parameters
- a_upper
Upper bound for \(a\) parameters
- reference_rater
Identifier for rater as a reference rater for which a fixed rater mean of 0 and a fixed rater slope of 1 is assumed.
- max.b.increment
Maximum increment of item parameters during estimation
- numdiff.parm
Numerical differentiation step width
- maxdevchange
Maximum relative deviance change as a convergence criterion
- globconv
Maximum parameter change
- maxiter
Maximum number of iterations
- msteps
Maximum number of iterations during an M step
- mstepconv
Convergence criterion in an M step
Logical indicating whether the P-EM acceleration should be applied (Berlinet & Roland, 2012).
- PEM_itermax
Number of iterations in which the P-EM method should be applied.
- object
Object of class
- file
Optional file name in which summary should be written.
- type
Factor score estimation method. Factor score types
are supported.- ...
Further arguments to be passed
This function models ratings \(X_{pri}\) for person \(p\), rater \(r\) and item \(i\) and category \(k\) (see also Robitzsch & Steinfeld, 2018; Uto & Ueno, 2010; Wu, 2017) $$P( X_{pri}=k | \theta_p ) \propto \exp( a_i a_r q_{ik} \theta_p - q_{ik} b_r - \tau_{ik} ) \quad, \quad \theta_p \sim N( 0, \sigma^2 )$$ By default, the scores in the \(Q\) matrix are \(q_{ik}=k\). Item slopes \(a_i\) and rater slopes \(a_r\) are standardized such that their product equals one, i.e. \( \prod_i a_i=\prod_r a_r=1\).
A list with following entries:
- deviance
- ic
Information criteria and number of parameters
- item
Data frame with item parameters
- rater
Data frame with rater parameters
- person
Data frame with person parameters: EAP and corresponding standard errors
- EAP.rel
EAP reliability
- mu
Mean of the trait distribution
- sigma
Standard deviation of the trait distribution
- theta.k
Grid of theta values
- pi.k
Fitted distribution at
values- tau.item
Item parameters \(\tau_{ik}\)
- se.tau.item
Standard error of item parameters \(\tau_{ik}\)
- a.item
Item slopes \(a_i\)
- se.a.item
Standard error of item slopes \(a_i\)
- delta.item
Delta item parameter. See
.- b.rater
Rater severity parameter \(b_r\)
- se.b.rater
Standard error of rater severity parameter \(b_r\)
- a.rater
Rater slope parameter \(a_r\)
- se.a.rater
Standard error of rater slope parameter \(a_r\)
- f.yi.qk
Individual likelihood
- f.qk.yi
Individual posterior distribution
- probs
Item probabilities at grid
- n.ik
Expected counts
- maxK
Maximum number of categories
- procdata
Processed data
- iter
Number of iterations
- ipars.dat2
Item parameters for expanded dataset
- ...
Further values
Berlinet, A. F., & Roland, C. (2012). Acceleration of the EM algorithm: P-EM versus epsilon algorithm. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 56(12), 4122-4137.
Linacre, J. M. (1994). Many-Facet Rasch Measurement. Chicago: MESA Press.
Robitzsch, A., & Steinfeld, J. (2018). Item response models for human ratings: Overview, estimation methods, and implementation in R. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 60(1), 101-139.
Uto, M., & Ueno, M. (2016). Item response theory for peer assessment. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 9(2), 157-170.
Wu, M. (2017). Some IRT-based analyses for interpreting rater effects. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 59(4), 453-470.
If the trait standard deviation sigma
differs from 1, then a user should investigate the sensitivity
of results using different theta integration points theta.k
See also
See also the TAM package for the estimation of more complicated facet models.
See rm.sdt
for estimating a hierarchical rater model.
# EXAMPLE 1: Partial Credit Model and Generalized partial credit model
# 5 items and 1 rater
dat <- data.ratings1
# select rater db01
dat <- dat[ paste(dat$rater)=="db01", ]
#**** Model 1: Partial Credit Model
mod1 <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], pid=dat$idstud )
#**** Model 2: Generalized Partial Credit Model
mod2 <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], pid=dat$idstud, est.a.item=TRUE)
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 2: Facets Model: 5 items, 7 raters
dat <- data.ratings1
#**** Model 1: Partial Credit Model: no rater effects
mod1 <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], rater=dat$rater,
pid=dat$idstud, est.b.rater=FALSE )
#**** Model 2: Partial Credit Model: intercept rater effects
mod2 <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], rater=dat$rater, pid=dat$idstud)
# extract individual likelihood
lmod1 <- IRT.likelihood(mod1)
# likelihood value
# extract item response functions
pmod1 <- IRT.irfprob(mod1)
# model comparison
# absolute and relative model fit
smod1 <- IRT.modelfit(mod1)
smod2 <- IRT.modelfit(mod2)
IRT.compareModels( smod1, smod2 )
# extract factor scores (EAP is the default)
# extract WLEs
IRT.factor.scores(mod2, type="WLE")
#**** Model 2a: compare results with TAM package
# Results should be similar to Model 2
mod2a <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( resp=dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ],
facets=dat[, "rater", drop=FALSE],
pid=dat$pid, formulaA=~ item*step + rater )
#**** Model 2b: Partial Credit Model: some fixed parameters
# fix rater parameters for raters 1, 4 and 5
b.rater.fixed <- rep(NA,7)
b.rater.fixed[ c(1,4,5) ] <- c(1,-.8,0) # fixed parameters
# fix item parameters of first and second item
tau.item.fixed <- round( mod2$tau.item, 1 ) # use parameters from mod2
tau.item.fixed[ 3:5, ] <- NA # free item parameters of items 3, 4 and 5
mod2b <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], rater=dat$rater,
b.rater.fixed=b.rater.fixed, tau.item.fixed=tau.item.fixed,
est.mean=TRUE, pid=dat$idstud)
#**** Model 3: estimated rater slopes
mod3 <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], rater=dat$rater,
#**** Model 4: estimated item slopes
mod4 <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], rater=dat$rater,
pid=dat$idstud, est.a.item=TRUE)
#**** Model 5: estimated rater and item slopes
mod5 <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], rater=dat$rater,
pid=dat$idstud, est.a.rater=TRUE, est.a.item=TRUE)
#**** Model 5a: Some fixed parameters in Model 5
# fix rater b parameters for raters 1, 4 and 5
b.rater.fixed <- rep(NA,7)
b.rater.fixed[ c(1,4,5) ] <- c(1,-.8,0)
# fix rater a parameters for first four raters
a.rater.fixed <- rep(NA,7)
a.rater.fixed[ c(1,2,3,4) ] <- c(1.1,0.9,.85,1)
# fix item b parameters of first item
tau.item.fixed <- matrix( NA, nrow=5, ncol=3 )
tau.item.fixed[ 1, ] <- c(-2,-1.5, 1 )
# fix item a parameters
a.item.fixed <- rep(NA,5)
a.item.fixed[ 1:4 ] <- 1
# estimate model
mod5a <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], rater=dat$rater,
pid=dat$idstud, est.a.rater=TRUE, est.a.item=TRUE,
tau.item.fixed=tau.item.fixed, b.rater.fixed=b.rater.fixed,
a.rater.fixed=a.rater.fixed, a.item.fixed=a.item.fixed,
#**** Model 6: Estimate rater model with reference rater 'db03'
mod6 <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], rater=dat$rater, est.a.item=TRUE,
est.a.rater=TRUE, pid=dat$idstud, reference_rater="db03" )
#**** Model 7: Modelling rater-item-interactions
mod7 <- sirt::rm.facets( dat[, paste0( "k",1:5) ], rater=dat$rater, est.a.item=FALSE,
est.a.rater=TRUE, pid=dat$idstud, reference_rater="db03",