Multidimensional Noncompensatory, Compensatory and Partially Compensatory Item Response Model
This function estimates the noncompensatory and compensatory multidimensional item response model (Bolt & Lall, 2003; Reckase, 2009) as well as the partially compensatory item response model (Spray et al., 1990) for dichotomous data.
smirt(dat, Qmatrix, irtmodel="noncomp", est.b=NULL, est.a=NULL,
est.c=NULL, est.d=NULL,, b.init=NULL, a.init=NULL,
c.init=NULL, d.init=NULL, mu.i.init=NULL, Sigma.init=NULL,
b.lower=-Inf, b.upper=Inf, a.lower=-Inf, a.upper=Inf,
c.lower=-Inf, c.upper=Inf, d.lower=-Inf, d.upper=Inf,
theta.k=seq(-6,6,len=20), theta.kDES=NULL,
qmcnodes=0, mu.fixed=NULL, variance.fixed=NULL, est.corr=FALSE,
max.increment=1, increment.factor=1, numdiff.parm=0.0001,
maxdevchange=0.1, globconv=0.001, maxiter=1000, msteps=4,
# S3 method for smirt
# S3 method for smirt
# S3 method for smirt
# S3 method for smirt
# S3 method for smirt
# S3 method for smirt
# S3 method for smirt
# S3 method for IRT.modelfit.smirt
- dat
Data frame with dichotomous item responses
- Qmatrix
The Q-matrix which specifies the loadings to be estimated
- irtmodel
The item response model. Options are the noncompensatory model (
), the compensatory model ("comp"
) and the partially compensatory model ("partcomp"
). See Details for more explanations.- est.b
An integer matrix (if
) or integer vector (ifirtmodel="comp"
) for \(b\) parameters to be estimated- est.a
An integer matrix for \(a\) parameters to be estimated. If
, then all item loadings will be estimated and the variances are set to one (and thereforeest.corr=TRUE
).- est.c
An integer vector for \(c\) parameters to be estimated
- est.d
An integer vector for \(d\) parameters to be estimated
An integer vector for \(\mu_i\) parameters to be estimated
- b.init
Initial \(b\) coefficients. For
it must be a matrix, forirtmodel="comp"
it is a vector.- a.init
Initial \(a\) coefficients arranged in a matrix
- c.init
Initial \(c\) coefficients
- d.init
Initial \(d\) coefficients
- mu.i.init
Initial \(d\) coefficients
- Sigma.init
Initial covariance matrix \(\Sigma\)
- b.lower
Lower bound for \(b\) parameter
- b.upper
Upper bound for \(b\) parameter
- a.lower
Lower bound for \(a\) parameter
- a.upper
Upper bound for \(a\) parameter
- c.lower
Lower bound for \(c\) parameter
- c.upper
Upper bound for \(c\) parameter
- d.lower
Lower bound for \(d\) parameter
- d.upper
Upper bound for \(d\) parameter
- theta.k
Vector of discretized trait distribution. This vector is expanded in all dimensions by using the
function. If a user specifies a design matrixtheta.kDES
of transformed \(\bold{\theta}_p\) values (see Details and Examples), thentheta.k
must be a matrix, too.- theta.kDES
An optional design matrix. This matrix will differ from the ordinary theta grid in case of nonlinear item response models.
- qmcnodes
Number of integration nodes for quasi Monte Carlo integration (see Pan & Thompson, 2007; Gonzales et al., 2006). Integration points are obtained by using the function
. Note that when using quasi Monte Carlo nodes, no theta design matrixtheta.kDES
can be specified. See Example 1, Model 11.- mu.fixed
Matrix with fixed entries in the mean vector. By default, all means are set to zero.
- variance.fixed
Matrix (with rows and three columns) with fixed entries in the covariance matrix (see Examples). The entry \(c_{kd}\) of the covariance between dimensions \(k\) and \(d\) is set to \(c_0\) iff
has a row with a \(k\) in the first column, a \(d\) in the second column and the value \(c_0\) in the third column.- est.corr
Should only a correlation matrix instead of a covariance matrix be estimated?
- max.increment
Maximum increment
- increment.factor
A value (larger than one) which defines the extent of the decrease of the maximum increment of item parameters in every iteration. The maximum increment in iteration
is defined asmax.increment*increment.factor^(-iter)
. Using a value larger than 1 helps to reach convergence in some non-converging analyses (use values of 1.01, 1.02 or even 1.05). See also Example 1 Model 2a.- numdiff.parm
Numerical differentiation parameter
- maxdevchange
Convergence criterion for change in relative deviance
- globconv
Global convergence criterion for parameter change
- maxiter
Maximum number of iterations
- msteps
Number of iterations within a M step
- mstepconv
Convergence criterion within a M step
- object
Object of class
- ...
Further arguments to be passed
The noncompensatory item response model (irtmodel="noncomp"
e.g. Bolt & Lall, 2003) is defined as
$$P(X_{pi}=1 | \bold{\theta}_p )=c_i + (d_i - c_i )
\prod_l invlogit( a_{il} q_{il} \theta_{pl} - b_{il} ) $$
where \(i\), \(p\), \(l\) denote items, persons and dimensions
The compensatory item response model (irtmodel="comp"
) is defined by
$$P(X_{pi}=1 | \bold{\theta}_p )=c_i + (d_i - c_i )
invlogit( \sum_l a_{il} q_{il} \theta_{pl} - b_{i} ) $$
Using a design matrix theta.kDES
the model can be made even more general
in a model which is linear in item parameters
$$P(X_{pi}=1 | \bold{\theta}_p )=c_i + (d_i - c_i )
invlogit( \sum_l a_{il} q_{il} t_l ( \bold{ \theta_{p} } ) - b_{i} ) $$
with known functions \(t_l\) of the trait vector \(\bold{\theta}_p\).
Fixed values of the functions \(t_l\) are specified in the
\(\bold{\theta}_p\) design matrix theta.kDES
The partially compensatory item response model (irtmodel="partcomp"
is defined by
$$P(X_{pi}=1 | \bold{\theta}_p )=c_i + (d_i - c_i )
\frac{ \exp \left( \sum_l ( a_{il} q_{il} \theta_{pl} - b_{il} ) \right) }
{ \mu_i \prod_l ( 1 + \exp ( a_{il} q_{il} \theta_{pl} - b_{il} ) ) +
( 1- \mu_i) ( 1 + \exp \left( \sum_l ( a_{il} q_{il} \theta_{pl} - b_{il} ) \right) )
} $$
with item parameters \(\mu_i\) indicating the degree of compensatory.
\(\mu_i=1\) indicates a noncompensatory model while \(\mu_i=0\)
indicates a (fully) compensatory model.
The models are estimated by an EM algorithm employing marginal maximum likelihood.
A list with following entries:
- deviance
- ic
Information criteria
- item
Data frame with item parameters
- person
Data frame with person parameters. It includes the person mean of all item responses (
; percentage correct of all non-missing items), the EAP estimate and its corresponding standard error for all dimensions (EAP
) and the maximum likelihood estimate as well as the mode of the posterior distribution (MLE
).- EAP.rel
EAP reliability
- mean.trait
Means of trait
- sd.trait
Standard deviations of trait
- Sigma
Trait covariance matrix
- cor.trait
Trait correlation matrix
- b
Matrix (vector) of \(b\) parameters
- se.b
Matrix (vector) of standard errors \(b\) parameters
- a
Matrix of \(a\) parameters
- se.a
Matrix of standard errors of \(a\) parameters
- c
Vector of \(c\) parameters
- se.c
Vector of standard errors of \(c\) parameters
- d
Vector of \(d\) parameters
- se.d
Vector of standard errors of \(d\) parameters
- mu.i
Vector of \(\mu_i\) parameters
Vector of standard errors of \(\mu_i\) parameters
- f.yi.qk
Individual likelihood
- f.qk.yi
Individual posterior
- probs
Probabilities of item response functions evaluated at
- n.ik
Expected counts
- iter
Number of iterations
- dat2
Processed data set
- dat2.resp
Data set of response indicators
- I
Number of items
- D
Number of dimensions
- K
Maximum item response score
- theta.k
Used theta integration grid
- pi.k
Distribution function evaluated at
- irtmodel
Used IRT model
- Qmatrix
Used Q-matrix
Bolt, D. M., & Lall, V. F. (2003). Estimation of compensatory and noncompensatory multidimensional item response models using Markov chain Monte Carlo. Applied Psychological Measurement, 27, 395-414.
Gonzalez, J., Tuerlinckx, F., De Boeck, P., & Cools, R. (2006). Numerical integration in logistic-normal models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, 1535-1548.
Pan, J., & Thompson, R. (2007). Quasi-Monte Carlo estimation in generalized linear mixed models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, 5765-5775.
Reckase, M. (2009). Multidimensional item response theory. New York: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-89976-3
Spray, J. A., Davey, T. C., Reckase, M. D., Ackerman, T. A., & Carlson, J. E. (1990). Comparison of two logistic multidimensional item response theory models. ACT Research Report No. ACT-RR-ONR-90-8.
See also
See the mirt::mirt
for estimating noncompensatory item response models
using the mirt package. See also mirt::mixedmirt
Other multidimensional IRT models can also be estimated
with rasch.mml2
and rasch.mirtlc
See itemfit.sx2
(CDM) for item fit
See also the mirt and TAM packages for estimation of compensatory multidimensional item response models.
## EXAMPLE 1: Noncompensatory and compensatory IRT models
# (1) simulate data from a two-dimensional noncompensatory
# item response model
# -> increase number of iterations in all models!
N <- 1000 # number of persons
I <- 10 # number of items
theta0 <- rnorm( N, sd=1 )
theta1 <- theta0 + rnorm(N, sd=.7 )
theta2 <- theta0 + rnorm(N, sd=.7 )
Q <- matrix( 1, nrow=I,ncol=2 )
Q[ 1:(I/2), 2 ] <- 0
Q[ I,1] <- 0
b <- matrix( rnorm( I*2 ), I, 2 )
a <- matrix( 1, I, 2 )
# simulate data
prob <- dat <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=I )
for (ii in 1:I){
prob[,ii] <- ( stats::plogis( theta1 - b[ii,1] ) )^Q[ii,1]
prob[,ii] <- prob[,ii] * ( stats::plogis( theta2 - b[ii,2] ) )^Q[ii,2]
dat[ prob > matrix( stats::runif( N*I),N,I) ] <- 1
colnames(dat) <- paste0("I",1:I)
# Model 1: Noncompensatory 1PL model
mod1 <- sirt::smirt(dat, Qmatrix=Q, maxiter=10 ) # change number of iterations
if (FALSE) {
# Model 2: Noncompensatory 2PL model
mod2 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, est.a="2PL", maxiter=15 )
# Model 2a: avoid convergence problems with increment.factor
mod2a <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, est.a="2PL", maxiter=30, increment.factor=1.03)
# Model 3: some fixed c and d parameters different from zero or one
c.init <- rep(0,I)
c.init[ c(3,7)] <- .2
d.init <- rep(1,I)
d.init[c(4,8)] <- .95
mod3 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Q, c.init=c.init, d.init=d.init )
# Model 4: some estimated c and d parameters (in parameter groups)
est.c <- c.init <- rep(0,I)
c.estpars <- c(3,6,7)
c.init[ c.estpars ] <- .2
est.c[c.estpars] <- 1
est.d <- rep(0,I)
d.init <- rep(1,I)
d.estpars <- c(6,9)
d.init[ d.estpars ] <- .95
est.d[ d.estpars ] <- d.estpars # different d parameters
mod4 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, est.c=est.c, c.init=c.init,
est.d=est.d, d.init=d.init )
# Model 5: Unidimensional 1PL model
Qmatrix <- matrix( 1, nrow=I, ncol=1 )
mod5 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix )
# Model 6: Unidimensional 2PL model
mod6 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix, est.a="2PL" )
# Model 7: Compensatory model with between item dimensionality
# Note that the data is simulated under the noncompensatory condition
# Therefore Model 7 should have a worse model fit than Model 1
Q1 <- Q
Q1[ 6:10, 1] <- 0
mod7 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q1, irtmodel="comp", maxiter=30)
# Model 8: Compensatory model with within item dimensionality
# assuming zero correlation between dimensions
variance.fixed <- as.matrix( cbind( 1,2,0) )
# set the covariance between the first and second dimension to zero
mod8 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, irtmodel="comp", variance.fixed=variance.fixed,
# Model 8b: 2PL model with starting values for a and b parameters
b.init <- rep(0,10) # set all item difficulties initially to zero
# b.init <- NULL
a.init <- Q # initialize a.init with Q-matrix
# provide starting values for slopes of first three items on Dimension 1
a.init[1:3,1] <- c( .55, .32, 1.3)
mod8b <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Q, irtmodel="comp", variance.fixed=variance.fixed,
b.init=b.init, a.init=a.init, maxiter=20, est.a="2PL" )
# Model 9: Unidimensional model with quadratic item response functions
# define theta
theta.k <- seq( - 6, 6, len=15 )
theta.k <- as.matrix( theta.k, ncol=1 )
# define design matrix
theta.kDES <- cbind( theta.k[,1], theta.k[,1]^2 )
# define Q-matrix
Qmatrix <- matrix( 0, I, 2 )
Qmatrix[,1] <- 1
Qmatrix[ c(3,6,7), 2 ] <- 1
colnames(Qmatrix) <- c("F1", "F1sq" )
# estimate model
mod9 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Qmatrix, maxiter=50, irtmodel="comp",
theta.k=theta.k, theta.kDES=theta.kDES, est.a="2PL" )
# Model 10: Two-dimensional item response model with latent interaction
# between dimensions
theta.k <- seq( - 6, 6, len=15 )
theta.k <- expand.grid( theta.k, theta.k ) # expand theta to 2 dimensions
# define design matrix
theta.kDES <- cbind( theta.k, theta.k[,1]*theta.k[,2] )
# define Q-matrix
Qmatrix <- matrix( 0, I, 3 )
Qmatrix[,1] <- 1
Qmatrix[ 6:10, c(2,3) ] <- 1
colnames(Qmatrix) <- c("F1", "F2", "F1iF2" )
# estimate model
mod10 <- sirt::smirt(dat,Qmatrix=Qmatrix,irtmodel="comp", theta.k=theta.k,
theta.kDES=theta.kDES, est.a="2PL" )
# Model 11: Example Quasi Monte Carlo integration
Qmatrix <- matrix( 1, I, 1 )
mod11 <- sirt::smirt( dat, irtmodel="comp", Qmatrix=Qmatrix, qmcnodes=1000 )
## EXAMPLE 2: Dataset Reading
## Multidimensional models for dichotomous data
dat <-
I <- ncol(dat) # number of items
# Model 1: 3-dimensional 2PL model
# define Q-matrix
Qmatrix <- matrix(0,nrow=I,ncol=3)
Qmatrix[1:4,1] <- 1
Qmatrix[5:8,2] <- 1
Qmatrix[9:12,3] <- 1
# estimate model
mod1 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix, irtmodel="comp", est.a="2PL",
qmcnodes=1000, maxiter=20)
# Model 2: 3-dimensional Rasch model
mod2 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix, irtmodel="comp",
qmcnodes=1000, maxiter=20)
# Model 3: 3-dimensional 2PL model with uncorrelated dimensions
# fix entries in variance matrix
variance.fixed <- cbind( c(1,1,2), c(2,3,3), 0 )
# set the following covariances to zero: cov[1,2]=cov[1,3]=cov[2,3]=0
# estimate model
mod3 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix, irtmodel="comp", est.a="2PL",
variance.fixed=variance.fixed, qmcnodes=1000, maxiter=20)
# Model 4: Bifactor model with one general factor (g) and
# uncorrelated specific factors
# define a new Q-matrix
Qmatrix1 <- cbind( 1, Qmatrix )
# uncorrelated factors
variance.fixed <- cbind( c(1,1,1,2,2,3), c(2,3,4,3,4,4), 0 )
# The first dimension refers to the general factors while the other
# dimensions refer to the specific factors.
# The specification means that:
# Cov[1,2]=Cov[1,3]=Cov[1,4]=Cov[2,3]=Cov[2,4]=Cov[3,4]=0
# estimate model
mod4 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Qmatrix1, irtmodel="comp", est.a="2PL",
variance.fixed=variance.fixed, qmcnodes=1000, maxiter=20)
## EXAMPLE 3: Partially compensatory model
#**** simulate data
I <- 10 # number of items
N <- 2000 # number of subjects
Q <- matrix( 0, 3*I,2) # Q-matrix
Q[1:I,1] <- 1
Q[1:I + I,2] <- 1
Q[1:I + 2*I,1:2] <- 1
b <- matrix( stats::runif( 3*I *2, -2, 2 ), nrow=3*I, 2 )
b <- b*Q
b <- round( b, 2 )
mui <- rep(0,3*I)
mui[ seq(2*I+1, 3*I) ] <- 0.65
# generate data
dat <- matrix( NA, N, 3*I )
colnames(dat) <- paste0("It", 1:(3*I) )
# simulate item responses
theta <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(N, mean=c(0,0), sigma=matrix( c( 1.2, .6,.6,1.6),2, 2 ) )
for (ii in 1:(3*I)){
# define probability
tmp1 <- exp( theta[,1] * Q[ii,1] - b[ii,1] + theta[,2] * Q[ii,2] - b[ii,2] )
# non-compensatory model
nco1 <- ( 1 + exp( theta[,1] * Q[ii,1] - b[ii,1] ) ) *
( 1 + exp( theta[,2] * Q[ii,2] - b[ii,2] ) )
co1 <- ( 1 + tmp1 )
p1 <- tmp1 / ( mui[ii] * nco1 + ( 1 - mui[ii] )*co1 )
dat[,ii] <- 1 * ( stats::runif(N) < p1 )
#*** Model 1: Joint mu.i parameter for all items <- rep(0,3*I)[ seq(2*I+1,3*I)] <- 1
mod1 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Q, irtmodel="partcomp",
#*** Model 2: Separate mu.i parameter for all items[ seq(2*I+1,3*I)] <- 1:I
mod2 <- sirt::smirt( dat, Qmatrix=Q, irtmodel="partcomp",