Creates a User Defined Theta Distribution
Creates a user defined theta distribution.
xxirt_createThetaDistribution(par, est, P, prior=NULL, prior_par1=NULL,
prior_par2=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL)
- par
Parameter vector with starting values
- est
Vector of logicals indicating which parameters should be estimated
- P
Distribution function for \(\bold{\theta}\)
- prior
Prior distribution
- prior_par1
First parameter of prior distribution
- prior_par2
Second parameter of prior distribution
- lower
Lower bounds for parameters
- upper
Upper bounds for parameters
## EXAMPLE 1: Definition of theta distribution
#** theta grid
Theta <- matrix( seq(-10,10,length=31), ncol=1 )
#** theta distribution
P_Theta1 <- function( par, Theta, G){
mu <- par[1]
sigma <- max( par[2], .01 )
TP <- nrow(Theta)
pi_Theta <- matrix( 0, nrow=TP, ncol=G)
pi1 <- stats::dnorm( Theta[,1], mean=mu, sd=sigma )
pi1 <- pi1 / sum(pi1)
pi_Theta[,1] <- pi1
#** create distribution class
par_Theta <- c( "mu"=0, "sigma"=1 )
customTheta <- sirt::xxirt_createThetaDistribution( par=par_Theta,
est=c(FALSE,TRUE), P=P_Theta1 )