This function determines a statistically equivalent DINA model given a Q-matrix using the method of von Davier (2014). Thereby, the dimension of the skill space is expanded, but in the reparameterized version, the Q-matrix has a simple structure or the IRT model is no longer be conjuctive (like in DINA) due to a redefinition of the skill space.
equivalent.dina(q.matrix, reparameterization="B")
The Q-matrix (see din
The used reparameterization (see von Davier, 2014). A
and B
are possible reparameterizations.
A list with following entries
Original Q-matrix
Reparameterized Q-matrix
Original skill space
Reparameterized skill space
von Davier, M. (2014). The DINA model as a constrained general diagnostic model: Two variants of a model equivalency. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 67, 49-71.
# EXAMPLE 1: Toy example
# define a Q-matrix
Q <- matrix( c( 1,0,0, 0,1,0,
0,0,1, 1,0,1, 1,1,1 ), byrow=TRUE, ncol=3 )
Q <- Q[ rep(1:(nrow(Q)),each=2), ]
# equivalent DINA model (using the default reparameterization B)
res1 <- CDM::equivalent.dina( q.matrix=Q )
# equivalent DINA model (reparametrization A)
res2 <- CDM::equivalent.dina( q.matrix=Q, reparameterization="A")
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 2: Estimation with two equivalent DINA models
# simulate data
D <- ncol(Q)
mean.alpha <- c( -.5, .5, 0 )
r1 <- .5
Sigma.alpha <- matrix( r1, D, D ) + diag(1-r1,D)
dat1 <- CDM::sim.din( N=2000, q.matrix=Q, mean=mean.alpha, Sigma=Sigma.alpha )
# estimate DINA model
mod1 <- CDM::din( dat1$dat, q.matrix=Q )
# estimate equivalent DINA model
mod2 <- CDM::din( dat1$dat, q.matrix=res1$q.matrix.ast, skillclasses=res1$alpha.ast)
# restricted skill space must be defined by using the argument 'skillclasses'
# compare model summaries
# compare estimated item parameters
cbind( mod2$coef, mod1$coef )
# compare estimated skill class probabilities
round( cbind( mod2$attribute.patt, mod1$attribute.patt ), 4 )
# EXAMPLE 3: Examples from von Davier (2014)
# define Q-matrix
Q <- matrix( 0, nrow=8, ncol=3 )
Q[2, ] <- c(1,0,0)
Q[3, ] <- c(0,1,0)
Q[4, ] <- c(1,1,0)
Q[5, ] <- c(0,0,1)
# Q[6, ] <- c(1,0,1)
Q[6, ] <- c(0,0,1)
Q[7, ] <- c(0,1,1)
Q[8, ] <- c(1,1,1)
#- parametrization A
res1 <- CDM::equivalent.dina(q.matrix=Q, reparameterization="A")
#- parametrization B
res2 <- CDM::equivalent.dina(q.matrix=Q, reparameterization="B")