Computes log-likelihood value of a multivariate normal distribution given the empirical mean vector and the empirical covariance matrix as sufficient statistics.
loglike_mvnorm(M, S, mu, Sigma, n, log=TRUE, lambda=0, ginv=FALSE, eps=1e-30,
use_rcpp=FALSE )
loglike_mvnorm_NA_pattern( suff_stat, mu, Sigma, log=TRUE, lambda=0, ginv=FALSE,
eps=1e-30, use_rcpp=FALSE )
Empirical mean vector
Empirical covariance matrix
Population mean vector
Population covariance matrix
Sample size
Optional logical indicating whether the logarithm of the likelihood should be calculated.
Regularization parameter of the covariance matrix (see Details).
Logical indicating whether generalized inverse matrix of \(\bold{\Sigma}\) should be used
Threshold for determinant value of \(\bold{\Sigma}\)
Logical indicating whether Rcpp function should be used
List with sufficient statistics as generated by
The population covariance matrix \(\bold{\Sigma}\) is regularized if
\(\lambda\) (lambda
) is chosen larger than zero.
Let \(\bold{\Delta _\Sigma}\) denote a diagonal matrix containing
the diagonal entries of \(\bold{\Sigma}\). Then, a regularized matrix
\(\bold{\Sigma}^\ast\) is defined as
\(\bold{\Sigma}^\ast=w \bold{\Sigma} + (1-w)\bold{\Delta _\Sigma }\)
with \(w=n/(n+\lambda)\).
Log-likelihood value
# EXAMPLE 1: Multivariate normal distribution
#--- simulate data
Sigma <- c( 1, .55, .5, .55, 1, .5,.5, .5, 1 )
Sigma <- matrix( Sigma, nrow=3, ncol=3 )
mu <- c(0,1,1.2)
N <- 400
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm( N, mu, Sigma )
colnames(dat) <- paste0("Y",1:3)
S <- stats::cov(dat)
M <- colMeans(dat)
#--- evaulate likelihood
res1 <- LAM::loglike_mvnorm( M=M, S=S, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma, n=N, lambda=0 )
# compare log likelihood with somewhat regularized covariance matrix
res2 <- LAM::loglike_mvnorm( M=M, S=S, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma, n=N, lambda=1 )
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 2: Multivariate normal distribution with missing data patterns
data(data.starts01b, package="STARTS")
dat <- data.starts01b
dat1 <- dat[, paste0("E",1:3)]
#-- compute sufficient statistics
suff_stat <- LAM::suff_stat_NA_pattern(dat1)
#-- define some population mean and covariance
mu <- colMeans(dat1, na.rm=TRUE)
Sigma <- stats::cov(dat1, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
#-- compute log-likelihood
LAM::loglike_mvnorm_NA_pattern( suff_stat=suff_stat, mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma)