Hierarchical Rater Model (Patz et al., 2002)
Estimates the hierarchical rater model (HRM; Patz et al., 2002; see Details) with Markov Chain Monte Carlo using a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
immer_hrm(dat, pid, rater, iter, burnin, N.save=3000, prior=NULL, est.a=FALSE,
est.sigma=TRUE, est.mu=FALSE, est.phi="a", est.psi="a",
MHprop=NULL, theta_like=seq(-10,10,len=30), sigma_init=1, print_iter=20 )
# S3 method for immer_hrm
summary(object, digits=3, file=NULL, ...)
# S3 method for immer_hrm
# S3 method for immer_hrm
# S3 method for immer_hrm
# S3 method for immer_hrm
# S3 method for immer_hrm
- dat
Data frame with item responses
- pid
Person identifiers
- rater
Rater identifiers
- iter
Number of iterations
- burnin
Number of burnin iterations
- N.save
Maximum number of samples to be saved.
- prior
Parameters for prior distributions
- est.a
Logical indicating whether \(a\) parameter should be estimated.
- est.sigma
Logical indicating whether \(\sigma\) parameter should be estimated.
- est.mu
Optional logical indicating whether the mean \(\mu\) of the trait \(\theta\) should be estimated.
- est.phi
Type of \(\phi _{ir}\) parameters to be estimated. If
, then \(\phi_{ir}\) is estimated for all items and all raters. Ifest.phi="r"
, then \(\phi_{ir}=\phi_r\) is rater specific, while forest.phi="i"
it is item specific (\(\phi_{ir}=\phi_i\)). In case ofest.phi="n"
, no \(\phi\) parameters are estimated and all \(\phi\) parameters are fixed at 0.- est.psi
Type of \(\psi_{ir}\) parameters to be estimated. The arguments follow the same conventions as
, but also allowsest.psi="e"
(exchangeable) which means \(\psi_{ir}=\psi\), i.e assuming the same \(\psi\) parameter for all items and raters.- MHprop
Parameters for Metropolis Hastings sampling. The standard deviation of the proposal distribution is adaptively computed (Browne & Draper, 2000).
- theta_like
Grid of \(\theta\) values to be used for likelihood approximation
- sigma_init
Initial value for
- print_iter
Integer indicating that after each
th iteration output on the console should be displayed.- object
Object of class
- digits
Number of digits after decimal to print
- file
Name of a file in which the output should be sunk
- x
Object of class
- ...
Further arguments to be passed. See
for options inplot
The hierarchical rater model is defined at the level of persons $$P( \xi _{pi}=\xi | \theta_p ) \propto \exp ( \xi \cdot a_i \cdot \theta_p - b_{ik} ) $$ where \(\theta_p\) is normally distributed with mean \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(\sigma\).
At the level of ratings, the model is defined as $$P( X_{pir}=x | \theta_p, \xi_{pi} ) \propto \exp( - ( x - \xi_{pi} - \phi_{ir} )^2 / ( 2 \cdot \psi_{ir} ) ) $$
A list with following entries
- person
Data frame with estimated person parameters
- item
Data frame with estimated item parameters
- rater_pars
Data frame with estimated rater parameters
- est_pars
Estimated item and trait distribution parameters arranged in vectors and matrices.
- sigma
Estimated standard deviation \(\sigma\) of trait \(\theta\)
- mu
Estimated mean \(\mu\) of trait \(\theta\)
- mcmcobj
Object of class
for coda package.- summary.mcmcobj
Summary of all parameters
- EAP.rel
EAP reliability
- ic
Parameters for information criteria
- f.yi.qk
Individual likelihood evaluated at
- f.qk.yi
Individual posterior evaluated at
- theta_like
Grid of \(\theta\) values for likelihood approximation
- pi.k
Discretized \(\theta\) distribution
- like
Log-likelihood value
- MHprop
Updated parameters in Metropolis-Hastings sampling
Browne, W. J., & Draper, D. (2000). Implementation and performance issues in the Bayesian and likelihood fitting of multilevel models. Computational Statistics, 15, 391-420.
Patz, R. J., Junker, B. W., Johnson, M. S., & Mariano, L. T. (2002). The hierarchical rater model for rated test items and its application to large-scale educational assessment data. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 27(4), 341-384.
See also
Simulate the HRM with immer_hrm_simulate
if (FALSE) {
# EXAMPLE 1: Simulated data using the immer::immer_hrm_simulate() function
# define data generating parameters
N <- 500 # number of persons
I <- 4 # number of items
R <- 3 # number of raters
K <- 3 # maximum score
sigma <- 2 # standard deviation
theta <- stats::rnorm( N, sd=sigma ) # abilities
# item intercepts
b <- outer( seq( -1.5, 1.5, len=I), seq( -2, 2, len=K), "+" )
# item loadings
a <- rep(1,I)
# rater severity parameters
phi <- matrix( c(-.3, -.2, .5), nrow=I, ncol=R, byrow=TRUE )
phi <- phi + stats::rnorm( phi, sd=.3 )
phi <- phi - rowMeans(phi)
# rater variability parameters
psi <- matrix( c(.1, .4, .8), nrow=I, ncol=R, byrow=TRUE )
# simulate HRM data
data <- immer::immer_hrm_simulate( theta, a, b, phi=phi, psi=psi )
pid <- data$pid
rater <- data$rater
dat <- data[, - c(1:2) ]
#*** Model 1: estimate HRM with equal item slopes
iter <- 3000
burnin <- 500
mod1 <- immer::immer_hrm( dat, pid, rater, iter=iter, burnin=burnin )
# relations among convergence diagnostic statistics
plot( mod1$summary.mcmcobj$PercVarRatio, log(mod1$summary.mcmcobj$effSize), pch=16)
plot( mod1$summary.mcmcobj$PercVarRatio, mod1$summary.mcmcobj$Rhat, pch=16)
# extract individual likelihood
lmod1 <- IRT.likelihood(mod1)
# extract log-likelihood value
# write coda files into working directory
sirt::mcmclist2coda(mod1$mcmcobj, name="hrm_mod1")
#*** Model 2: estimate HRM with estimated item slopes
mod2 <- immer::immer_hrm( dat, pid, rater, iter=iter, burnin=burnin,
est.a=TRUE, est.sigma=FALSE)
# model comparison
anova( mod1, mod2 )
#*** Model 3: Some prior specifications
prior <- list()
# prior on mu
prior$mu$M <- .7
prior$mu$SD <- 5
# fixed item parameters for first item
prior$b$M <- matrix( 0, nrow=4, ncol=3 )
prior$b$M[1,] <- c(-2,0,2)
prior$b$SD <- matrix( 10, nrow=4, ncol=3 )
prior$b$SD[1,] <- 1E-4
# estimate model
mod3 <- immer::immer_hrm( dat, pid, rater, iter=iter, burnin=burnin, prior=prior)
#*** Model 4: Multi-faceted Rasch models in TAM package
# create facets object
facets <- data.frame( "rater"=rater )
#-- Model 4a: only main rater effects
form <- ~ item*step + rater
mod4a <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( dat, pid=pid, facets=facets, formulaA=form)
#-- Model 4b: item specific rater effects
form <- ~ item*step + item*rater
mod4b <- TAM::tam.mml.mfr( dat, pid=pid, facets=facets, formulaA=form)
#*** Model 5: Faceted Rasch models with sirt::rm.facets
#--- Model 5a: Faceted Rasch model with only main rater effects
mod5a <- sirt::rm.facets( dat, pid=pid, rater=rater )
#--- Model 5b: allow rater slopes for different rater discriminations
mod5b <- sirt::rm.facets( dat, pid=pid, rater=rater, est.a.rater=TRUE )
# EXAMPLE 2: data.ratings1 (sirt package)
data(data.ratings1, package="sirt")
dat <- data.ratings1
# set number of iterations and burnin iterations
iter <- 1000
burnin <- 500
# estimate model
mod <- immer::immer_hrm( dat[, paste0("k",1:5) ], pid=dat$idstud, rater=dat$rater,
iter=iter, burnin=burnin )
plot(mod, layout=1, ask=TRUE)
plot(mod, layout=2, ask=TRUE)