Latent Class Model for Two Exchangeable Raters and One Item
This function computes a latent class model for ratings on an item based on exchangeable raters (Uebersax & Grove, 1990). Additionally, several measures of rater agreement are computed (see e.g. Gwet, 2010).
lc.2raters(data, conv=0.001, maxiter=1000, progress=TRUE)
# S3 method for lc.2raters
- data
Data frame with item responses (must be ordered from 0 to \(K\)) and two columns which correspond to ratings of two (exchangeable) raters.
- conv
Convergence criterion
- maxiter
Maximum number of iterations
- progress
An optional logical indicating whether iteration progress should be displayed.
- object
Object of class
- ...
Further arguments to be passed
For two exchangeable raters which provide ratings on an item, a latent class model with \(K+1\) classes (if there are \(K+1\) item categories \(0,...,K\)) is defined. Where \(P(X=x, Y=y | c)\) denotes the probability that the first rating is \(x\) and the second rating is \(y\) given the true but unknown item category (class) \(c\). Ratings are assumed to be locally independent, i.e. $$ P(X=x, Y=y | c )=P( X=x | c) \cdot P(Y=y | c )=p_{x|c} \cdot p_{y|c}$$ Note that \(P(X=x|c)=P(Y=x|c)=p_{x|c}\) holds due to the exchangeability of raters. The latent class model estimates true class proportions \(\pi_c\) and conditional item probabilities \(p_{x|c}\).
A list with following entries
Classification probability \(P(c|x)\) of latent category \(c\) given a manifest rating \(x\) (estimated by maximum likelihood)
Classification probability \(P(c|x)\) of latent category \(c\) given a manifest rating \(x\) (estimated by the posterior distribution)
Classification probability \(P(c|(x,y))\) of latent category \(c\) given two manifest ratings \(x\) and \(y\) (estimated by maximum likelihood)
Classification probability \(P(c|(x,y))\) of latent category \(c\) given two manifest ratings \(x\) and \(y\) (estimated by posterior distribution)
- f.yi.qk
Likelihood of each pair of ratings
- f.qk.yi
Posterior of each pair of ratings
- probs
Item response probabilities \(p_{x|c}\)
- pi.k
Estimated class proportions \(\pi_c\)
- pi.k.obs
Observed manifest class proportions
- freq.long
Frequency table of ratings in long format
- freq.table
Symmetrized frequency table of ratings
- agree.stats
Measures of rater agreement. These measures include percentage agreement (
), Cohen's kappa and weighted Cohen's kappa (kappa
), Gwet's AC1 agreement measures (AC1
; Gwet, 2008, 2010) and Aickin's alpha (alpha.aickin
; Aickin, 1990).- data
Used dataset
- N.categ
Number of categories
Aickin, M. (1990). Maximum likelihood estimation of agreement in the constant predictive probability model, and its relation to Cohen's kappa. Biometrics, 46, 293-302.
Gwet, K. L. (2008). Computing inter-rater reliability and its variance in the presence of high agreement. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 61, 29-48.
Gwet, K. L. (2010). Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability. Advanced Analytics, Gaithersburg.
Uebersax, J. S., & Grove, W. M. (1990). Latent class analysis of diagnostic agreement. Statistics in Medicine, 9, 559-572.
# EXAMPLE 1: Latent class models for rating datasets data.si05
#*** Model 1: one item with two categories
mod1 <- sirt::lc.2raters( data.si05$Ex1)
#*** Model 2: one item with five categories
mod2 <- sirt::lc.2raters( data.si05$Ex2)
#*** Model 3: one item with eight categories
mod3 <- sirt::lc.2raters( data.si05$Ex3)